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Writer's pictureAmador Research

Navigating the Indo-Pacific: The EU Perspective

The #EuropeanUnion has increased engagement in the #IndoPacific which aims at maintaining a free and open region for all while building strong and lasting partnerships. With this webinar, the #EUDelegation aims to provide an opportunity for the EU Special Envoy to explain and clarify the EU Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific including its components, challenges and issues among the stakeholders.

The webinar aims to achieve the following: To generate a better appreciation for the EU Strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific in the #Philippines, provide a platform for feedback, and to strengthen people-to-people engagement among all sectors and partners.

The webinar will feature Mr. Gabriele Visentin, EU Special Envoy for the EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and will be moderated by Professor Manuel Enverga III of the Ateneo de Manila University.

You may also see the event here:

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